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There’s a high likelihood that the coffee you drink comes from Colombia. Famous for producing some of the finest coffee beans for centuries, Colombia and Colombians know their coffee too well, so when they invent a new way of brewing…
The average umbrella might be useful for keeping YOU dry, but keep your FLOORS dry is a whole ‘nother story. Designed with this in mind, the Drip Tip is a simplistic yet highly useful tool you can add on to…
Reason 10.2 is out now as a free update to Reason 10. It’s a “workflow” update – but those additions will likely be welcomed by current users. I’ll spare you the GIFs, but the enhancements are detailed in a blog…
Ben Plomion Contributor Ben Plomion is the chief image scientist of GumGum. By now, most of us have a general idea of what a neural network is, at least insomuch as its role in enabling the “machine learning” part of…
GIF GIF: Michigan Department of Transportation (YouTube) Well, hello! Do you happen do be a human on this earth? An American citizen, perhaps? If you are any or all of these things, odds are that you know a person, probably…
The ocean is equally as beautiful as it is terrifying. This couldn’t have been captured anymore perfectly than in this timelapse video by YouTuber JeffHK. In the video, JeffHK documents his 30 day journey from the Red Sea to Hong…
This article will help you with those all important decisions for getting started in street photography. Including the best gear to use, settings to apply, and what to do about the tricky topic of photographing people in public. Any image…