Month September 2018

How to Attract Luck 

Image: fotografierende from Pexels When you look to people you admire for one reason or another, you might think that some part of their success—whether it’s their corner office, their new TV pilot or their beautiful vintage furniture—comes down to…

Roland’s latest keytar is more 80s than ever: AX-Edge

“Shoulder synthesizer”? “Strap-on keyboard?” No, Roland is calling their latest keytar a keytar – and giving into 80s retro vibes. And it’s a vocoder. And… you might kinda want one. Roland says the new AX-Edge is built on “decades of…

How whales became the largest animals ever

Whales are the largest animals to ever exist on this Earth, outweighing even the dinosaurs. These titans roam the oceans in search of food, but that wasn’t always the case. Millions of years ago they used to be land dwellers. Here…