Reason 10.2 is out now as a free update to Reason 10. It’s a “workflow” update – but those additions will likely be welcomed by current users.
I’ll spare you the GIFs, but the enhancements are detailed in a blog post from earlier this month:
Reason 10.2 is coming – see what’s new [Propellerhead Blog]
Basically, you get multi-lane editing (so you can finally edit multiple MIDI tracks at once, just as recently added in Ableton Live 10, also a bit overdue).
And you can adjust multiple faders at once in the mixer.
And you can snap to an adaptive grid (the grid changes with zoom level, though existing fixed grids remain).
There’s also an “Add Device” button.
The update you may be waiting for is still forthcoming. Later this year, Propellerhead promises improvements to VST integration. (It seems after years of being a holdout against plug-ins, Propellerhead did demonstrate some of what they’d previously argued – that plug-ins are tough to support and can add performance wrinkles.)
But it’s good to hear they’re working on it. Here’s what they write:
Meanwhile, work on VST performance is ongoing. The result of this work will be released as a separate free update later this year. The reason it’s a separate release is because the performance work is an extensive rewrite of the inner workings of the program and requires an expert task force.
Update news:
from Create Digital Music http://bit.ly/2zzORiE