Watch SpaceX’s Rocket Land, Then Fall Over

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 came very close to sticking the landing on a drone barge earlier today, but sadly, in the space industry, second place just gets you a fireworks show. The live stream of the landing cut out at just…

T-fal OptiGrill Indoor Grill

Smart enough to know what you’re eating, even if you don’t. Let’s say we slap some meat down in front of you. What is it? How long do you cook it? What are the rules of that particular dish? You’ll…

9 Toxic Habits To Get Rid Of In 2016

Each start of a new year is a chance for us to become better people. It’s good for us to turn… The post 9 Toxic Habits To Get Rid Of In 2016 appeared first on Lifehack. from Lifehack via IFTTT