We usually see rocket launches and landings from above. But there’s something about seeing the whole thing happen from the ground-up that’s just so much better.

SpaceX just put up a little video clip showing its latest rocket landing from the perspective of the Of Course I Still Love You drone barge. It’s a solid landing, and the rocket doesn’t seem to be in any danger of tipping, either in the video footage or the high-resolution photo sequence that you can see below.

But, check out this alternate view of the rocket as it comes into port yesterday:

Yep, there’s a definite tilt to the rocket.

That’s because this particular rocket came in unusually hot and fast when it returned, after dropping off a communications satellite. SpaceX’s Falcon rocket series uses a crush core inside the landing legs to absorb extra energy when the rocket touches down—and the geostationary orbit this rocket was returning from left it with plenty of extra energy to burn.

All images via SpaceX flickr.