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Messaging app Slack adds new user-friendly feature

This story was delivered to BI Intelligence Mobile Industry Insider subscribers. To learn more and subscribe, please click here. Workplace messaging service Slack continues to improve with another new feature. Slack will introduce threaded messaging, which groups messages together with replies, to…

7 Skills You Should Learn Before You Turn 50

Your ability to acquire skills will determine your value in the market and the level of impact you can have… The post 7 Skills You Should Learn Before You Turn 50 appeared first on Lifehack. from Lifehack via IFTTT

“Love Is a Skill That Needs to Be Learned”

When you start a new job, you’re not expected to know everything on your first day. You’re trained. You get a handbook. After a while, you catch on. With this in mind, The School of Life makes an interesting point:…

A Psychotic Rant About Going to the Cinema

Getty Going to the movies is a punch in the dick. Snot-nosed crying kids, $6 bottles of water, talkers, texters, and that one couple who keeps taking flash selfies during the emotional climax of The Force Awakens. During the Amy…