Day August 13, 2018

The FDA OK’d an app as a form of birth control

Don’t want to get pregnant? There’s a Food and Drug Administration approved app for that. The FDA has just given the go ahead for Swedish app Natural Cycles to market itself as a form of birth control in the U.S.…

Using HDR Photography to Your Advantage

Over the years, HDR Photography has become synonymous with over-saturated, over-processed, and unrealistic images. Some hear the term HDR and never give it a second thought because of their perception of what it is. Add to that, all the camera…

What to Know Your First Time Paddleboarding

Photo: Kai Schwoerer (Getty) Canoes and kayaks are always fun, but the trendiest rental at boat places these days is the stand-up paddleboard, or SUP. They’re fun to paddle, and can provide an excellent core workout too. A paddleboard looks…

Just How Bad an Idea Is the ‘Carnivore Diet’?

Photo: Pexels If you ate nothing but steak for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, would you die? Get scurvy? Have terrible poops? To be honest, the science isn’t totally clear on this, but we asked some experts anyway. (Spoiler: they think…