Day July 2, 2018

A teenage millionaire built a real-life Dr. Octopus suit

19-year-old Erik Finman, a Bitcoin millionaire, took some free time to make a functional Dr. Octopus suit. Besides looking so cool, it also works as a prosthetic prototype. Read more… More about Comics, Mashable Video, Marvel, Bitcoin, and Social Good…

Inside Atari’s rise and fall

Jamie Lendino Contributor Jamie Lendino is the editor-in-chief of Extreme Tech. By the first few months of 1982, it had become more common to see electronics stores, toy stores, and discount variety stops selling 2600 games. This was before Electronics…

Astronomers captured the first image of a baby planet

ESO Müller et al. Thanks to European Southern Observatory’s (ESO) Very Large Telescope, a group of astronomers have taken the first photograph of a planet being formed around a young dwarf star called PDS 70. The planet has been named…

The Biggest Baddest iPhone Yet?

As much as I love paying 1000s of dollars in glass repair over the years (who doesn’t?), I, like many an Apple fanboy, have hoped to see a swing back to the metal back of yesteryear. Steel Drake’s proposal for…