Month September 2016

Did An Unknown Hiker Just Break Every A.T. Record?

Her story seems inconceivable. She has no GPS tracking and is an unknown in the world of record-breaking thru-hikes. But this weekend, on the heels of Karl Meltzer, Kaiha Bertollini trekked to the top of Springer Mountain at the southern…

The 25 coolest new businesses in New York City

Spacious is a coworking startup that makes use of New York’s abundance of empty restaurants.Hollis Johnson/Samantha Lee/Business Insider New York City is known around the world for its diversity in food, culture, shopping, and recreation. But what truly makes it…

Here’s MakerBot’s bid for the future

The other week, I spoke with the new CEO of 3D Systems. He told me that he believes the consumer 3D printing business “is not real.”  That’s not exactly the vote of confidence one is looking for when talking to the head…