In an apparent global system outage, WhatsApp users have been shut out from sending or receiving messages on Thursday afternoon. As of 2:10pm ET the worst-hit are Brazil, the Netherlands, the US, the UK, Switzerland, Italy, India, and the Middle East.
On reports started spiking after 1:20pm ET with a peak of 3250 reports at 2pm ET.
The app is not sending or receiving messages according to multiple users, many of whom have taken to social media to highlight the issue according to The Independent. It is unclear if the problem is focused on one particular part of the world but many users appear to be affected.
The outage appears to be focused on South America, particularly in Brazil, where users are currently unable to send or receive messages through the app.
A spokesperson for Whatsapp said: “WhatsApp users around the world are unable to access the service. We apologize for the inconvenience and are working to fix the issue as soon as possible.”
Users on social media said they could not send or receive any messages which has sparked a trending topic on Twitter #whatsappdown.
When Whatsapp is down and you don’t know what to do anymore. #Whatsapp
— Laurens1998 (@laurensstade) November 30, 2017
o whatsapp morreu
— Grey’s é legal, mas (@greyselegalmas) November 30, 2017
from Zero Hedge