The Amazing Scope of What Happens Online in a Minute [Infographic]

Each minute, on average, consumers watch 7 million online videos, buy $222,000 worth of goods from Amazon, and ask Siri 100,000 questions, according to recent research from Domo.

The researchers examined publicly available data from a range of sources—including social networks, e-commerce sites, media companies, research reports, and Web traffic measurement tools—to determine the average number of interactions happening online each minute.

Among other key insights from the analysis:

—Buzzfeed users view 159,000 pieces of content on average in a minute.

—Facebook Messenger users share 216,000 photos.

—Tinder users swipe 972,000 times.

—Google translates 69.5 million words. 

Check out the infographic for more:

About the research: The report was based on publicly available United States data from a range of sources, including social networks, e-commerce sites, media companies, research reports, and Web traffic measurement tools.

Ayaz Nanji is an independent digital strategist and a co-founder of ICW Content, a marketing agency specializing in content creation for brands and businesses. He is also a research writer for MarketingProfs. He has worked for Google/YouTube, the Travel Channel, AOL, and the New York Times.

LinkedIn: Ayaz Nanji

Twitter: @ayaznanji

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