It appears that "fake news" has finally made it to the news wires.
Shortly after the market open, Dow Jones blasted a story that "in a surprise to everyone who is alive" Google was buying Apple for $9 billion. It said that Google CEO Larry Page had "secret talks with the now-deceased Steve Jobs in 2010 to firm up the deal" which was announced when Jobs’ will was read in Cupertino. As a result, each Google shareholder would get 9 shares of Apple stocks, and the report added that "obviously Google will move into Apple’s fancy shareholders. Google employees said, "Yay."
The release was accompanied by a flurry of machine-readible headlines on Bloomberg and other news services:
- DJ Tech Giant Apple Buys Google
- DJ Story, No Flash Heds, With A Different Wires Hed
- DJ Now I’m Sending the Fill
- DJ And Here Is a Third One
- DJ Here Is a Second Flash Hed to Check Chaining
- DJ Here Is the First Flash to Check Chaining
- DJ This Is a Test Flash Headline
- DJ Fourth headline, worth a try
- DJ Fourth headline, try two
- DJ Fourth headline, try one
- DJ Second Try Headline, Gets Orphan Status For Acute Myeloid Leukemia
- DJ Second try headline, second one
- DJ Second try headline, first one
- DJ Here Is Another Hed to Be Published a Day Later to See if Chaining Wor
- DJ Here is a Second Update Hed
- DJ Now I am Testing Out the Update Hed
- DJ This Is My Fill Hed
- DJ And Here Is a Third
- DJ This Is a Second Hed of the Chaining Test
- DJ This Is a Test of the Chaining Mechanism
- DJ UPDATE: Apple Says Google Buy Will Be Difficult
- DJ Apple CEO: Google Is Really Awesome
- DJ UPDATE: Apple Says Google Buy Will Be Difficult
Well, apparently the algos ignored the ridiculous details and the laughable purchase price and promptly sent the price of Apple surging to $158, if only for a few seconds…
We can only imagine the avalanche of furious phone calls into Dow JOnes, because moments ago a Dow Jones spokesman announced to "Please disregard the headlines that ran on Dow Jones Newswires between 9:34 a.m. ET and 9:36 a.m. ET." He said that "due to a technical error, the headlines were published. All of those headlines are being removed from the wires. We apologize for the error."
Of course, by the time it was retracted, the initial momentum had pushed the world’s most valuable stock higher, and dragged the Nasdaq higher with it.
That said, it begs the question: how could such a glaring, and hugely market moving error have made it to the production platform, where it impacted thousands of headline scanning algos.
Finally, was this "fake news" also Vladimir Putin’s fault?
from Zero Hedge