Surfers Are Debating If This Is The Largest Wave Ever Ridden, And It’s About The Size Of A Basketball Arena

Back in October, the world famous surfing destination of Nazaré (in Portugal) went OFF and produced some of the largest waves the world has ever seen. Nazaré is unlike some of the infamous big wave surf breaks in the world like Pe’ahi (Jaws) or the Cortes Bank which require boats or helicopters to watch surfers ride giants. At Portugal’s Nazaré you can film from the beach just like at Puerto Escondido (the Mexican Pipeline), and this has led to some batshit crazy footage over the past few years.

Most recently, back in October, it was German surfer Sebastian Steudtner who had all of the big wave surfing community gushing over his insane ride. At this point, most experts are in agreement that this is not the largest wave ever ridden. However, due to Sebastian bailing out of the wave before getting crushed like a bug it’s not really clear how big this Nazaré giant really was, and it’s still up for debate on whether or not this is the largest wave ever ridden by man.

I could watch this shit on repeat, all day long:

That wave was taller than most stadiums you’ve ever been in, but as the big wave surfing community is split on what the largest wave ever ridden is I figured I should show you bros the wave that many claim is the largest:

(h/t SURFER YouTube)
