Student asks boyfriend to buy her some new leggings, things escalate quickly

Fair warning: if you ask your partner to pick you up some new leggings while he’s out at the shops, there’s a fair chance he’ll get it horribly wrong.

The proof is in the WhatsApp screengrabs.

Taylor-Anne Gallagher is a 22-year-old student based in Ipswich, UK.

On Sunday, she shared some screengrabs of the stream of messages her boyfriend, Tim Goddard, had sent to her after she asked him to pick her up some new leggings at the shops.

Here’s a close-up of those:

That is what confusion looks like.

Gallagher’s tweet has now been shared over 18,000 times. People could clearly empathise.

The good news, though, was that the whole thing had a happy ending.

Mission accomplished.

from Mashable!