Apple’s newest mobile operating system, iOS 11, comes out today, and Steve Jobs probably would’ve been super pissed if he were still alive.
HackerNoon’s Ryan Lau has posted a comprehensive breakdown that calls attention to all the ways iOS 11’s design is flawed. From misaligned titles and margins to inconsistent design elements, it would appear Apple’s slipped up on the details.
For almost everybody (including myself), you probably wouldn’t notice the tiny things Lau highlights in his story.
He points out things like how the titles aren’t perfectly aligned with the search bar in apps like Mail and Notes, and how the Watch app’s dark color scheme isn’t consistent with any of Apple’s other apps. He also points out other small details like the search bar bumping up against the status bar.
But these are all things designers who pride themselves on sweating the little details do actually notice and care about. And it bothers them greatly. These are literally the types of flaws that keep designers at night. In other words, Steve Jobs, a known perfectionist who always paid attention to the smallest details, wouldn’t have let this slip by him.
Jobs, himself a huge design nerd, was famous for caring about things nobody else would notice.
Jobs, who was a self-professed design nerd, was famous for caring about the types of details nobody else would notice.
“When you’re a carpenter making a beautiful chest of drawers, you’re not going to use a piece of plywood on the back, even though it faces the wall and nobody will ever see it. You’ll know it’s there, so you’re going to use a beautiful piece of wood on the back,” he famously said in his official biography. “For you to sleep well at night, the aesthetic, the quality, has to be carried all the way through.”
He obsessed over calligraphy and typography and applied the balance of all of these things into Apple’s software.
In 2008, Jobs called up Vic Gundotra, ex-Vice President of Engineering at Google, who was attending religious services to complain about a design error… in the Google logo.
Per Gundotra’s Google+ post on the tale:
“So Vic, we have an urgent issue, one that I need addressed right away. I’ve already assigned someone from my team to help you, and I hope you can fix this tomorrow” said Steve.
“I’ve been looking at the Google logo on the iPhone and I’m not happy with the icon. The second O in Google doesn’t have the right yellow gradient. It’s just wrong and I’m going to have Greg fix it tomorrow. Is that okay with you?”
Yes, Jobs freaked out over a shade of yellow that was wrong on somebody else’s logo. That was the high standard he held Apple to.
These imperfections could very well get patched up in upcoming updates to iOS 11, but mark our words, he never would’ve let this happen on his watch.
from Mashable!