RIP: Here are 70 things millennials have killed
A millennial plotting to destroy the auto industry.
Image: Shutterstock/William Perugini
Millennials are many things, but above all, they are murderers.
Indeed, if an alien landed on Earth and read a few headlines, they would likely believe millennials are nothing but ruthless life-ruiners, determined to crush every outdated workplace concept or fast food product standing in their way.
The reality, though, is probably closer to this: some things don’t make sense for millennials to do, so they don’t do them. Sure, diamonds are nice, but so is freeing yourself from crippling student debt!
Anyway, here are all the things millennials have been accused of killing. Rest in peace, societal fabric. We hardly knew ye.
1. Beer
2. J. Crew
4. Motorcycles
5. Diamonds
6. Golf
7. Bar soap
9. Lunch
10. McDonalds
11. Vacations
12. Napkins
13. Cars
14. Crowdfunding
15. Wine
17. The Toyota Scion
18. Fabric softener
19. Marriage
20. The McWrap
21. Handshakes
22. The Canadian tourism industry
23. Light yogurt
24. Gambling
25. Hotels
26. Relationships
27. Marmalade
28. Running
29. Cereal
32. Focus groups
33. Travel marketing
34. Working
35. Credit
36. Trees
38. America
40. Home Depot
41. Self-pity
42. The 2016 presidential election
43. Consumerism
44. Suits
45. Dinner dates
46. Movies
47. Sex
48. Gyms
49. Serendipity
50. Loyalty programs
52. Taking risks
53. Patriotism
54. Cruises
55. Applebee’s
56. Fashion
57. Hangout sitcoms
58. The Big Mac
59. Stilettos
60. Romance
62. The NFL
64. The Olympics
65. Brunch
67. Baby names
68. Banks
69. Oil
70. Everything
At least we’ll always have avocado toast.
from Mashable!