Police in Ontario are riding high (not literally) this week after putting their largest drug bust in history on display. Ontario cops seized 1,062 kilos of PURE cocaine with an estimated street value of $250 million.
The batshit crazy amount of cocaine was seized in the shape of bricks, as kilos often are, but what makes this haul of cocaine unique is how the bricks line up to form an actual wall of cocaine, and I’ll save any ‘build that wall’ jokes because they’re too easy here…The bricks of coke were actually hidden inside of rocks, which makes this even more bizarre:
According to Canada’s Global News, the $250 million worth of cocaine was found inside of shipping containers in the Port of Montreal. The containers had arrived from Argentina and were earmarked for distribution in Ontario and other parts of Canada.
These drug smugglers are getting more clever than ever. They had hidden the 1,062 kilos of pure cocaine inside of huge rocks:
“Inside of the palettes were numerous rocks. A few of the random stones would have cocaine. These stones were put together with cement and the cocaine was sealed inside,” OPP Deputy Commissioner Rick Barnum said.
“I can’t really say the source of the cocaine, to where it was actually produced,” Barnum said. “I will say there are definite connections to Mexico and the Mexican cartel.” (via)
That last part is interesting, right? This was inevitable. With the current administration shining the brightest spotlight in history on the Mexican border and drug smugglers coming into America it was only a matter of time until the Mexican cartels started bringing that cocaine into America via Canada.
I’ll be legitimately SHOCKED if we don’t see more record drug busts like this in the coming years as the pipeline of drugs into America continues to shift to areas with less pressure. (h/t Global News)