OH THE HUMANITY!!! Thousands Of Bourbon Barrels Smashed After Warehouse Collapses

WARNING: The following article contains graphic images that some readers may find disturbing. It is with a heavy heart that I must share with you the tragic news of the destruction of thousands of bourbon barrels. This is one of the most difficult articles I’ve ever had to write.


We take you to Bardstown, Kentucky where a national calamity occurred. One of the 29 barrel-aging warehouses on the 196 acres at the Barton 1792 distillery (which was established in 1879) collapsed around 11 a.m. last Friday, smashing thousands of barrels of bourbon. The distillery’s rickhouse houses 20,000 of aging bourbon and about 9,000 barrels of the liquid gold plummeted to the ground. The devastation and the rubble of the warehouse are heartbreaking. RIP all of these barrels of bourbon.


Thankfully, no one was injured. However, a new threat has emerged from the annihilation of the whiskey. “We want to make sure no alcohol got into the ground or water, streams in that area. They are checking that at this time. Right now, everything looks good,” said Nelson County Dispatch Director Milton Spalding. Alcohol on the surface of the water has also allegedly caught fire. Have no fear, I’ll volunteer to help contain this potential environmental catastrophe.

“Of course, there was the smell of bourbon in the air, but that’s kind of common in the warehouse facility, anyway,” Spalding said. I love the smell of bourbon in the morning. Each barrel holds 53 gallons of Kentucky’s signature spirit and weighs about 550 pounds. We should all hold our bourbons a little tighter tonight.


from BroBible.com http://bit.ly/2MlIJy2