Less than 1% of people can hit the perfect score on this color test
If you’re a photographer or retoucher, perhaps you perceive color better than an average human. But is it really the case? The UK-based vision care company Lenstore has created a test that lets you check your color perception. It’s super-fun but pretty difficult, so the results may surprise you.
The test is creatively named Colour is in the eye of the beholder. And this is pretty accurate, considering that several factors affect how we see colors. First of all, it’s our age and gender. I believe you’ve seen tons of memes showing the difference between guys and girls and their perception of color. Then there’s the factor of language. Some linguistic theories suggest that the language we speak also affects our color perception.
According to the test, most people who took it scored 6 out of 10, and less than 1% of people got the perfect score. You can take it below or via this link. And after you’re done, let us know your score.
I scored 9 out of 10. According to the test makers, it’s higher than 98% of people who took it. What was your score? Let us know in the survey and in the comments below.
from DIYPhotography.net -Hacking Photography, One Picture At A Time http://bit.ly/2QTMLRt