Here’s what the March For Our Lives in D.C. looked like from space

Hundreds of thousands of people showed up in Washington, D.C. to attend Saturday’s March For Our Lives. As you might expect, that kind of turnout makes for some pretty impressive photos — even from space.

 New images from DigitalGlobe’s Worldview-2 satellite show the sea of people — and their signs — gathered to march and rally for common-sense gun reform. They’re an astounding reminder of the sheer size of this movement. Isn’t that right, NRA?

See for yourself.

Satellite images.

Image: satellite image ©2018 DigitalGlobe

Satellite images.

Image: satellite image ©2018 DigitalGlobe

It’s hard to compete with a picture from space, but on-the-ground images from marches across the country aren’t too shabby, either. President Trump did not witness any of the historic events personally, as he was at Mar-a-Lago, but we feel confident that if he had, he’d have started comparing the crowd size to his inauguration in no time at all. (He’d be sad.)

Here’s a look at several cities.

Washington, D.C.

St. Paul, Minnesota

Seattle, Washington

Buffalo, New York

San Francisco, California

Atlanta, Georgia

Asheville, North Carolina

Los Angeles, California

New York, New York

from Mashable!