Do Hair Growth Products Really Work? Here’s How One Worked For Me

Brought to you in partnership with Good Guy Wellness.

Hair loss is one of those things that absolutely no guy wants to publicly talk about, yet, deep down, it eats him up inside. That’s the feeling I had when, about two years ago, I started seeing my temples start thinning, making me wonder what options I may have to try and combat the hair loss.

After doing some research and talking to my barber, I had a few different legit things to try out. A) own it and just buzz it all off (which I definitely wasn’t ready to do just yet), B) use illusion while getting my haircut, going mega short on the sides and keeping the hair up top so it looked like I had more up there, or C) try one of those popular hair growth subscriptions. While I ultimately tried all three, the first thing I did was get myself some hair growth products first — and Good Guy Wellness was the one that I landed on.

Now available online and at Walmart


I know what you’re probably wondering next, right; does Good Guy Wellness actually work? In a simple word, yes. Not only have I seen the hair loss I had slow down tremendously, but the products have helped me regrow some hair in different places, too. Overall, I’ve been able to at least maintain what I had this time last year, which is a far cry from the rapid hair loss path that I was on had I not taken action.

Plus, it’s easy as hell to do. Literally, it’s shampooing and conditioning your hair in the shower — which I hope you do anyway — dropping a little bit of liquid hair regrowth on your dome, and eating a hair growth gummy every single day. If you can’t do that, you’re not trying hard enough.

Another benefit of Good Guy Wellness is that it’s available at your local drugstore and online, so you don’t need to commit to a subscription-based hair growth package that requires a payment each month. Simply use the products as you feel necessary, which, once you see the regrowth and fullness in your hair like I did, will undoubtedly lead to a regular routine.

One of the biggest (and best) parts about Good Guy Wellness helping my hair loss problem is that I’ve gotten my confidence back. It’s easy to over-think your thinning hair, wondering if everyone you talk to is not-so-quietly glancing up at your receding hairline and those random thin spots. While I’m not rocking a full mane that would make a college lacrosse player jealous, I’ve adapted to the new, cleaner look — which makes me look more my age rather than trying to hold on to all the hair I used to have.

Now available online and at Walmart


While I’m breaking the hair loss rules by talking about my thinning dome in public, there’s a very good reason why — because more bros need to understand that Good Guy Wellness is here to help. You’d be shocked at how many of my buddies find themselves in a similar position as I was with their hair, trying to comb it over or cover it up by wearing hats all the time. At some point, though, you’ve got to own it and take action.

Thanks to the simple, four-step program that Good Guy Wellness has, you, too, can stop the battle with your unruly thinning hair, finally showing it who’s boss. Good guys deserve good hair, so why wouldn’t you take the chance to keep it for as long as you can.

Now available online and at Walmart


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