Authored by Mike Shedlock via,
Dear President Trump, forgive my harsh language, but since you and your staff can use harsh language, why can’t anyone else?
That’s a minor question. Since you are busy, I prefer an answer to this question: What the F Business is Venezuela of Ours?
I ask because you stated: “We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”
Dear President Trump, here are some additional questions that I am sure are on the minds of nearly everyone familiar with the story.
Ten Questions for Trump
- Are you willing to “own” the problems in Venezuela?
- What does “necessary” mean?
- Did US nation building in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan work?
- Did not Vietnam turn out OK starting the moment we left?
- Did the US intervene to stop hyperinflation in Zimbabwe? Argentina?
- Are there not more repressive regimes in Africa?
- What’s different about Venezuela?
- By any chance is this about oil?
- Other than oil, what the F business is Venezuela of ours?
- Regardless of your threats and concerns, when has US nation building ever worked?
I thank you in advance for your answers.
Bonus Question
Dear Mr. President, I almost forgot: How do you propose we pay for a military solution in Venezuela?
I voted for you and would appreciate some answers.
Unless you can provide answers, I strongly suggest we do not need another quagmire, we cannot afford another quagmire, and we should stay the F* out of it.
from Zero Hedge