“Dear President Trump: What The F**k Business Is Venezuela Of Ours?”

Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk.com,

Dear President Trump, forgive my harsh language, but since you and your staff can use harsh language, why can’t anyone else?

That’s a minor question. Since you are busy, I prefer an answer to this question: What the F Business is Venezuela of Ours?

I ask because you stated: “We have many options for Venezuela including a possible military option if necessary.”

Dear President Trump, here are some additional questions that I am sure are on the minds of nearly everyone familiar with the story.

Ten Questions for Trump

  1. Are you willing to “own” the problems in Venezuela?
  2. What does “necessary” mean?
  3. Did US nation building in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan work?
  4. Did not Vietnam turn out OK starting the moment we left?
  5. Did the US intervene to stop hyperinflation in Zimbabwe? Argentina?
  6. Are there not more repressive regimes in Africa?
  7. What’s different about Venezuela?
  8. By any chance is this about oil?
  9. Other than oil, what the F business is Venezuela of ours?
  10. Regardless of your threats and concerns, when has US nation building ever worked?

I thank you in advance for your answers.

Bonus Question

Dear Mr. President, I almost forgot: How do you propose we pay for a military solution in Venezuela?

I voted for you and would appreciate some answers.

Unless you can provide answers, I strongly suggest we do not need another quagmire, we cannot afford another quagmire, and we should stay the F* out of it.

from Zero Hedge http://bit.ly/2w5XMXz