At Least 2016 Gave Us This Brilliant Daft Punk/Beastie Boys Mashup Album


There’s rumors Daft Punk will go on tour again, but will we ever see a new album from the duo? It’s uncertain. The passing of Adam Yauch in 2012 also marked the end of the Beastie Boys, but thanks to an artist named Coins, a new album featuring Daft Punk and Beastie Boy mashups has lots for fans of either group to love.

Coins has been releasing Daft Punk/Beastie Boys mashup tracks since 2014, but two years after starting, he’s now assembled eight fantastic tracks into a new album called Daft Science that will help you end this week on a high note—or at least a higher note than the end of last week.

The album is free to stream via Bandcamp, or using the embedded player below. But if you’re willing to share your email address, you can also get a link to download various formats and permanently add Daft Science to your collection.

[Coins – Daft Science via Hypebeast]

from Gizmodo