In this tutorial I will show you how I made my Mecanum Wheels Robot Platform from my previous video, to work together and operate automatically with my 3D printed Robotic Arm, also an Arduino project from one of my previous videos.
So, we can control the Mecanum wheels robot with the custom-build Android application the same way as explained in the previous video. In addition to that, now the app also has buttons for controlling the robot arm.
The original robot arm control app actually had sliders for controlling the robot joints, but that was causing some problems with the arm stability. In this way the arm works much better, so therefore I will provide this updated version of the robot arm control app and the Arduino code to the original robot arm project as well.
Nevertheless, the coolest feature of this robot is the ability to store the movements and then automatically repeat them.
Using the Save button, we can simply store the positions of the motors for each step. Then we just need to click the Run button and the robot will automatically repeat the stored movements over and over again.
Building the Arduino Robot
Ok, so here I have the Mecanum wheels platform already assembled and you can find all details about it in my previous video.
Also, here I have the 3D printed parts of the robot arm and the servo motors and now I will show you how to assembly them. Here’s the 3D model of this project.
You can download the 3D model and the STL files needed for 3D printing below.
STEP file:

STL files for 3D printing:

The first servo of the robot arm will be directly mounted on the top cover of the mecanum wheels platform.
I marked the location, and using a 10mm drill I made several holes.
Then using a rasp, I cut through the holes and then fine-tuned the opening for the servo. I secured the servo to the top plate using four M3 bolts and nuts.
Then on this output shaft of this servo, using the round horn that comes as accessory with the servo, we need to attach the next part or the waist of the robot arm. However, we can notice that in this way the part stays around 8mm above the plate. So therefore, I attached two pieces of 8mm MDF boards, so the waist part can slide on them and so the joint will be more stable.
The round horn is secured to the waist part using the self-tapping screws that come as accessories with the servo, and then the round horn is secured to servo shaft using the appropriate bolts that also come with the servo.
Next we have the shoulder servo. We simply put it in place and secure it to the 3D printed part using self-tapping screws.
The round horn goes on the next part, and then the two parts are secured to each other using a bolt on the output shaft of the servo.
We should note that before securing the parts, we need to make sure that the part has the full range of motion. Here I also added a rubber band to the shoulder joint so that it gives a little bit help to the servo, because this servo carries the weight of the rest of the arm as well as the payload.
In similar way, I assembled the rest of the robot arm.
Next, we need to assemble to gripper mechanism. The gripper is controlled with an SG90 servo motor, on which, first we attach a custom designed geared link. We pair this link with another geared link on the other side, which is secured using M4 bolt and nuts. Actually, all other links are connected using M4 bolts and nuts.
The 3D model of the gripper originally has 3mm holes but I didn’t have enough M3 bolts, so therefore I expanded the holes using 4mm drill and used the M4 bolts instead.
Once I assembled the gripper mechanism, I secured it to the last servo and so the robot arm was completed.
Next I did some cable management. I passed the servo wires through the specifically designed holes of the robot arm. Using a 10mm drill I made a hole on the top plate so that the wires can pass through.
Using a zip-tie I secured all the wires together, and now what’s left is to connect them to the Arduino board.
Arduino Robot Circuit Diagram
Here’s the circuit diagram of this project and how everything needs to be connected.
You can get the components needed for this project from the links below:
- Stepper Motor – NEMA 17 …………..… Amazon / Banggood
- DRV8825 Stepper Driver ……….…….… Amazon / Banggood
- MG996R Servo Motor………………….…. Amazon / Banggood
- SG90 Micro Servo Motor …………….…. Amazon / Banggood
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module …………….… Amazon / Banggood
- Li-Po battery …………………………….…… Amazon / Banggood
- Arduino Mega Board ………….……….… Amazon / Banggood
*Please note: These are affiliate links. I may make a commission if you buy the components through these links. I would appreciate your support in this way!
In the previous tutorial I explained how the Mecanum wheels robot part works and also showed you how I made a custom PCB for it.
I included a 5V voltage regulator on this PCB so that we can make this project, or connect the servo motors because they work at 5V. The voltage regulator is the LM350, which can handle up to 3 amps of current. All six servos of the robot arm can draw from around 2 amps to 3 amps of current, which means that it can handle them but that will cause the regulator to get very hot.
Therefore, I attached a heat sink to it, as well as a small 12V DC fan to blow some air, because the heat sink itself wasn’t enough the cool the regulator.
I connected the servos signal wires to the Arduino digital pins from number 5 to 10, and for powering I used the 5V pin header on the PCB. Finally, I pushed all the wires inside the platform, and secured the top plate to it using the two nuts.
And that’s it, now we are done with this project.
Arduino Code
What’s left is to take a look how the Arduino code and the Android application work. As the code is a bit longer, for better understanding, I will post the source code of the program in sections with description for each section. And at the end of this article I will post the complete source code.
So first we need to define the 6 servo, the 4 stepper motors and the Bluetooth communication, as well as define some variables need for the program below. In the setup section we set the maximum speed of the steppers, define the pins to which the servos are connected, begin the Bluetooth communication and set the robot arm to initial position.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #include <Servo.h> Servo servo01; Servo servo02; Servo servo03; Servo servo04; Servo servo05; Servo servo06; SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(A8, 38); // Arduino(RX, TX) - HC-05 Bluetooth (TX, RX) // Define the stepper motors and the pins the will use AccelStepper LeftBackWheel(1, 42, 43); // (Type:driver, STEP, DIR) - Stepper1 AccelStepper LeftFrontWheel(1, 40, 41); // Stepper2 AccelStepper RightBackWheel(1, 44, 45); // Stepper3 AccelStepper RightFrontWheel(1, 46, 47); // Stepper4 #define led 14 int wheelSpeed = 1500; int lbw[50], lfw[50], rbw[50], rfw[50]; // arrays for storing positions/steps int servo1Pos, servo2Pos, servo3Pos, servo4Pos, servo5Pos, servo6Pos; // current position int servo1PPos, servo2PPos, servo3PPos, servo4PPos, servo5PPos, servo6PPos; // previous position int servo01SP[50], servo02SP[50], servo03SP[50], servo04SP[50], servo05SP[50], servo06SP[50]; // for storing positions/steps int speedDelay = 20; int index = 0; int dataIn; int m = 0; void setup() { // Set initial seed values for the steppers LeftFrontWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); LeftBackWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); RightFrontWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); RightBackWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); servo01.attach(5); servo02.attach(6); servo03.attach(7); servo04.attach(8); servo05.attach(9); servo06.attach(10); Bluetooth.begin(38400); // Default baud rate of the Bluetooth module Bluetooth.setTimeout(5); delay(20); Serial.begin(38400); // Move robot arm to initial position servo1PPos = 90; servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo2PPos = 100; servo02.write(servo2PPos); servo3PPos = 120; servo03.write(servo3PPos); servo4PPos = 95; servo04.write(servo4PPos); servo5PPos = 60; servo05.write(servo5PPos); servo6PPos = 110; servo06.write(servo6PPos); }
Then in the loop section we start by checking whether there is any incoming data.
// Check for incoming data if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { dataIn =; // Read the data
This data comes from the smartphone or the Android app, so let’s take a look what kind of data it is actually sending. The Android app is made using the MIT App Inventor online application. It consists of simple buttons which have appropriate images as background.
If we take a look at the blocks of the app, we can see that all it does is it sends one-byte numbers when the buttons are clicked.
So, depending on clicked button, we tell the Arduino what to do. For example, if we receive the number ‘2’ the mecanum wheels platform will move forward, using the moveForward custom function.
if (dataIn == 2) { m = 2; } // if (m == 2) { moveForward(); }
This custom function sets all four stepper motors to rotate forward.
void moveForward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); }
For moving in any other direction, we just need rotate the wheels in the appropriate directions.
For controlling the robot arm, we use the same method. Again, we have buttons in the app and when holding the buttons, the robot arm joints move in the particular direction.
As I mentioned earlier, in the original Robot Arm control app we were using sliders for controlling the positions of the servos but that was causing some problems because in that way we had to send Text to the Arduino, instead of 1-byte number. The problem is the Arduino sometimes misses the Text coming from the App and makes error or the Robot arm shakes and behaves abnormal.
In this way we simple send a single 1-byte number when a particular button is touched down.
The Arduino code enters the while loop of that number, and stays there until we touch up the button, because at that moment we send the number 0 which means the robot should do nothing.
// Move servo 1 in positive direction while (m == 16) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo1PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 1 in negative direction while (m == 17) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo1PPos--; delay(speedDelay); }
So, depending on the touched buttons the servos move either in positive or negative direction. The same working principle applies for all servo motors. For changing the speed of movement, we use the values coming from the slider which range from 100 to 250.
// If arm speed slider is changed if (dataIn > 101 & dataIn < 250) { speedDelay = dataIn / 10; // Change servo speed (delay time) }
By dividing them by 10 we get values from 10 to 25, which are used as delay in microseconds in the whiles loops for driving the servos.
For storing the robot movements, we simply save the current positions of the servos and the steppers into arrays, each time the Save button is clicked.
// If button "SAVE" is pressed if (m == 12) { //if it's initial save, set the steppers position to 0 if (index == 0) { LeftBackWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); LeftFrontWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); RightBackWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); RightFrontWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); } lbw[index] = LeftBackWheel.currentPosition(); // save position into the array lfw[index] = LeftFrontWheel.currentPosition(); rbw[index] = RightBackWheel.currentPosition(); rfw[index] = RightFrontWheel.currentPosition(); servo01SP[index] = servo1PPos; // save position into the array servo02SP[index] = servo2PPos; servo03SP[index] = servo3PPos; servo04SP[index] = servo4PPos; servo05SP[index] = servo5PPos; servo06SP[index] = servo6PPos; index++; // Increase the array index m = 0; }
Then when we press the Run button we call the runSteps() custom function. This custom function runs through all stored steps using some for and while loops.
if (m == 14) { runSteps(); // If button "RESET" is pressed if (dataIn != 14) { stopMoving(); memset(lbw, 0, sizeof(lbw)); // Clear the array data to 0 memset(lfw, 0, sizeof(lfw)); memset(rbw, 0, sizeof(rbw)); memset(rfw, 0, sizeof(rfw)); memset(servo01SP, 0, sizeof(servo01SP)); // Clear the array data to 0 memset(servo02SP, 0, sizeof(servo02SP)); memset(servo03SP, 0, sizeof(servo03SP)); memset(servo04SP, 0, sizeof(servo04SP)); memset(servo05SP, 0, sizeof(servo05SP)); memset(servo06SP, 0, sizeof(servo06SP)); index = 0; // Index to 0 } }
We should note that it starts from the first position and goes the last position, and repeats that over and over again. Therefore, when saving the steps, we actually need to position the robot in a way that the first step has the same position as the last step. While running through the steps we can also change the speed of both the platform and the robot arm, as well as pause and reset all the steps.
Here’s the complete Arduino code for this Arduino robot project:
/* Arduino Robot Arm and Mecanum Wheels Robot Smartphone Control via Bluetooth by Dejan, */ #include <SoftwareSerial.h> #include <AccelStepper.h> #include <Servo.h> Servo servo01; Servo servo02; Servo servo03; Servo servo04; Servo servo05; Servo servo06; SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(A8, 38); // Arduino(RX, TX) - HC-05 Bluetooth (TX, RX) // Define the stepper motors and the pins the will use AccelStepper LeftBackWheel(1, 42, 43); // (Type:driver, STEP, DIR) - Stepper1 AccelStepper LeftFrontWheel(1, 40, 41); // Stepper2 AccelStepper RightBackWheel(1, 44, 45); // Stepper3 AccelStepper RightFrontWheel(1, 46, 47); // Stepper4 #define led 14 int wheelSpeed = 1500; int lbw[50], lfw[50], rbw[50], rfw[50]; // arrays for storing positions/steps int servo1Pos, servo2Pos, servo3Pos, servo4Pos, servo5Pos, servo6Pos; // current position int servo1PPos, servo2PPos, servo3PPos, servo4PPos, servo5PPos, servo6PPos; // previous position int servo01SP[50], servo02SP[50], servo03SP[50], servo04SP[50], servo05SP[50], servo06SP[50]; // for storing positions/steps int speedDelay = 20; int index = 0; int dataIn; int m = 0; void setup() { // Set initial seed values for the steppers LeftFrontWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); LeftBackWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); RightFrontWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); RightBackWheel.setMaxSpeed(3000); pinMode(led, OUTPUT); servo01.attach(5); servo02.attach(6); servo03.attach(7); servo04.attach(8); servo05.attach(9); servo06.attach(10); Bluetooth.begin(38400); // Default baud rate of the Bluetooth module Bluetooth.setTimeout(5); delay(20); Serial.begin(38400); // Move robot arm to initial position servo1PPos = 90; servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo2PPos = 100; servo02.write(servo2PPos); servo3PPos = 120; servo03.write(servo3PPos); servo4PPos = 95; servo04.write(servo4PPos); servo5PPos = 60; servo05.write(servo5PPos); servo6PPos = 110; servo06.write(servo6PPos); } void loop() { // Check for incoming data if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { dataIn =; // Read the data if (dataIn == 0) { m = 0; } if (dataIn == 1) { m = 1; } if (dataIn == 2) { m = 2; } if (dataIn == 3) { m = 3; } if (dataIn == 4) { m = 4; } if (dataIn == 5) { m = 5; } if (dataIn == 6) { m = 6; } if (dataIn == 7) { m = 7; } if (dataIn == 8) { m = 8; } if (dataIn == 9) { m = 9; } if (dataIn == 10) { m = 10; } if (dataIn == 11) { m = 11; } if (dataIn == 12) { m = 12; } if (dataIn == 14) { m = 14; } if (dataIn == 16) { m = 16; } if (dataIn == 17) { m = 17; } if (dataIn == 18) { m = 18; } if (dataIn == 19) { m = 19; } if (dataIn == 20) { m = 20; } if (dataIn == 21) { m = 21; } if (dataIn == 22) { m = 22; } if (dataIn == 23) { m = 23; } if (dataIn == 24) { m = 24; } if (dataIn == 25) { m = 25; } if (dataIn == 26) { m = 26; } if (dataIn == 27) { m = 27; } // Move the Mecanum wheels platform if (m == 4) { moveSidewaysLeft(); } if (m == 5) { moveSidewaysRight(); } if (m == 2) { moveForward(); } if (m == 7) { moveBackward(); } if (m == 3) { moveRightForward(); } if (m == 1) { moveLeftForward(); } if (m == 8) { moveRightBackward(); } if (m == 6) { moveLeftBackward(); } if (m == 9) { rotateLeft(); } if (m == 10) { rotateRight(); } if (m == 0) { stopMoving(); } // Mecanum wheels speed if (dataIn > 30 & dataIn < 100) { wheelSpeed = dataIn * 20; } // Move robot arm // Move servo 1 in positive direction while (m == 16) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo1PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 1 in negative direction while (m == 17) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo01.write(servo1PPos); servo1PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 2 while (m == 19) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo02.write(servo2PPos); servo2PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } while (m == 18) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo02.write(servo2PPos); servo2PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 3 while (m == 20) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo03.write(servo3PPos); servo3PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } while (m == 21) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo03.write(servo3PPos); servo3PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 4 while (m == 23) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo04.write(servo4PPos); servo4PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } while (m == 22) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo04.write(servo4PPos); servo4PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 5 while (m == 25) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo05.write(servo5PPos); servo5PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } while (m == 24) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo05.write(servo5PPos); servo5PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // Move servo 6 while (m == 26) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo06.write(servo6PPos); servo6PPos++; delay(speedDelay); } while (m == 27) { if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { m =; } servo06.write(servo6PPos); servo6PPos--; delay(speedDelay); } // If arm speed slider is changed if (dataIn > 101 & dataIn < 250) { speedDelay = dataIn / 10; // Change servo speed (delay time) } // If button "SAVE" is pressed if (m == 12) { //if it's initial save, set the steppers position to 0 if (index == 0) { LeftBackWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); LeftFrontWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); RightBackWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); RightFrontWheel.setCurrentPosition(0); } lbw[index] = LeftBackWheel.currentPosition(); // save position into the array lfw[index] = LeftFrontWheel.currentPosition(); rbw[index] = RightBackWheel.currentPosition(); rfw[index] = RightFrontWheel.currentPosition(); servo01SP[index] = servo1PPos; // save position into the array servo02SP[index] = servo2PPos; servo03SP[index] = servo3PPos; servo04SP[index] = servo4PPos; servo05SP[index] = servo5PPos; servo06SP[index] = servo6PPos; index++; // Increase the array index m = 0; } // If button "RUN" is pressed if (m == 14) { runSteps(); // If button "RESET" is pressed if (dataIn != 14) { stopMoving(); memset(lbw, 0, sizeof(lbw)); // Clear the array data to 0 memset(lfw, 0, sizeof(lfw)); memset(rbw, 0, sizeof(rbw)); memset(rfw, 0, sizeof(rfw)); memset(servo01SP, 0, sizeof(servo01SP)); // Clear the array data to 0 memset(servo02SP, 0, sizeof(servo02SP)); memset(servo03SP, 0, sizeof(servo03SP)); memset(servo04SP, 0, sizeof(servo04SP)); memset(servo05SP, 0, sizeof(servo05SP)); memset(servo06SP, 0, sizeof(servo06SP)); index = 0; // Index to 0 } } } LeftFrontWheel.runSpeed(); LeftBackWheel.runSpeed(); RightFrontWheel.runSpeed(); RightBackWheel.runSpeed(); // Monitor the battery voltage int sensorValue = analogRead(A0); float voltage = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.00) * 3; // Convert the reading values from 5v to suitable 12V i //Serial.println(voltage); // If voltage is below 11V turn on the LED if (voltage < 11) { digitalWrite(led, HIGH); } else { digitalWrite(led, LOW); } } void moveForward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); } void moveBackward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); } void moveSidewaysRight() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); } void moveSidewaysLeft() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); } void rotateLeft() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); } void rotateRight() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); } void moveRightForward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(0); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); } void moveRightBackward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(0); } void moveLeftForward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(0); } void moveLeftBackward() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(0); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(-wheelSpeed); } void stopMoving() { LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(0); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(0); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(0); } // Automatic mode custom function - run the saved steps void runSteps() { while (dataIn != 13) { // Run the steps over and over again until "RESET" button is pressed for (int i = 0; i <= index - 2; i++) { // Run through all steps(index) if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { // Check for incomding data dataIn =; if ( dataIn == 15) { // If button "PAUSE" is pressed while (dataIn != 14) { // Wait until "RUN" is pressed again if (Bluetooth.available() > 0) { dataIn =; if ( dataIn == 13) { break; } } } } // If speed slider is changed if (dataIn > 100 & dataIn < 150) { speedDelay = dataIn / 10; // Change servo speed (delay time) } // Mecanum wheels speed if (dataIn > 30 & dataIn < 100) { wheelSpeed = dataIn * 10; dataIn = 14; } } LeftFrontWheel.moveTo(lfw[i]); LeftFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); LeftBackWheel.moveTo(lbw[i]); LeftBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightFrontWheel.moveTo(rfw[i]); RightFrontWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); RightBackWheel.moveTo(rbw[i]); RightBackWheel.setSpeed(wheelSpeed); while (LeftBackWheel.currentPosition() != lbw[i] & LeftFrontWheel.currentPosition() != lfw[i] & RightFrontWheel.currentPosition() != rfw[i] & RightBackWheel.currentPosition() != rbw[i]) { LeftFrontWheel.runSpeedToPosition(); LeftBackWheel.runSpeedToPosition(); RightFrontWheel.runSpeedToPosition(); RightBackWheel.runSpeedToPosition(); } // Servo 1 if (servo01SP[i] == servo01SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo01SP[i] > servo01SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo01SP[i]; j >= servo01SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo01.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo01SP[i] < servo01SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo01SP[i]; j <= servo01SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo01.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } // Servo 2 if (servo02SP[i] == servo02SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo02SP[i] > servo02SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo02SP[i]; j >= servo02SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo02.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo02SP[i] < servo02SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo02SP[i]; j <= servo02SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo02.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } // Servo 3 if (servo03SP[i] == servo03SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo03SP[i] > servo03SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo03SP[i]; j >= servo03SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo03.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo03SP[i] < servo03SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo03SP[i]; j <= servo03SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo03.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } // Servo 4 if (servo04SP[i] == servo04SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo04SP[i] > servo04SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo04SP[i]; j >= servo04SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo04.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo04SP[i] < servo04SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo04SP[i]; j <= servo04SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo04.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } // Servo 5 if (servo05SP[i] == servo05SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo05SP[i] > servo05SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo05SP[i]; j >= servo05SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo05.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo05SP[i] < servo05SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo05SP[i]; j <= servo05SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo05.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } // Servo 6 if (servo06SP[i] == servo06SP[i + 1]) { } if (servo06SP[i] > servo06SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo06SP[i]; j >= servo06SP[i + 1]; j--) { servo06.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } if (servo06SP[i] < servo06SP[i + 1]) { for ( int j = servo06SP[i]; j <= servo06SP[i + 1]; j++) { servo06.write(j); delay(speedDelay); } } } } }
So that’s pretty much everything for this tutorial. The project works well, but please note that it’s far from perfect. The automatic movements might not be that precise because of the slipping of the mecanum wheels as well as the poor performance of the servo motors. These cheap servo motors can also shake or jitter even when not moving just because don’t have enough strength to hold the weight of the 3D printed parts.
I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something new. Feel free to ask any question in the comments section below and check my Arduino Projects Collection.
The post Arduino Robot Arm and Mecanum Wheels Platform Automatic Operation appeared first on HowToMechatronics.
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