A woman who has reviewed more than 40,000 résumés outlines the 8 most annoying mistakes she sees

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  • Résumés are a crucial part of any job search.
  • If you want to land your dream job, you’ll need to whip your résumé into shape.
  • Résumé Writers’ Ink founder Tina Nicolai shared some tips on how to go about doing that with Business Insider.

Résumés are important.

No one knows that better than Tina Nicolai. She estimated that she has read more than 40,000 résumés since launching Résumé Writers’ Ink in 2010.

That’s a lot of CVs. Over the years, Nicolai says, certain annoying mistakes tend to come up quite a lot.

Some of these errors may not seem like a huge deal. In a competitive job market, though, they might be the difference from snagging your dream job and having your résumé thrown in the garbage.

Here are Nicolai’s picks for the most annoying mistakes you can make on a résumé:

SEE ALSO: 17 annoying things job candidates do that make hiring managers not like them

DON’T MISS: 6 websites that will help you build your résumé if you don’t know where to start

SEE ALSO: The 13 most common résumé mistakes

1. Sloppiness

"The biggest mistake job seekers make: They are sloppy. They pay poor attention to detail. They are lazy!"

Nicolai said she has seen too many résumés with typos, unprofessional fonts, outdated information, and irrelevant information.

2. Summaries that are too long

Summaries are annoying when they are written in a formal tone and include too many adjectives, she said.

"After a while, the summaries can read like a lengthy chapter in a book," Nicolai told Business Insider. "It’s better to list a few bullets with pointed achievements and a branded tagline stating, ‘Known for achieving XYZ.’"

3. Too many buzzwords

Résumé jargon such as "out of the box," "team player," and "exceptional communicator" are "baseline expectations in today’s market," Nicolai said. "A person who truly is a ‘unique problem solver who works well in teams’ will convey this succinctly and creatively on their résumé through a combination of few words and imagery."

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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