A Bunch Of Cougars Shared What The Best Part About Sex After 40 Is And This Is Very Enlightening

I don’t need to tell you bros that the type of sex you have throughout your life changes over time, everybody knows this. When you first lose your v-card I think most people go through an intense period of experimentation, wanting to try out everything under the sun. Once you slip into the rhythm of your first serious relationship things tend to be similar over time, without much change in the bedroom (in general). But then there comes a time when things get switched up again, and this age threshold is different for everybody. Below, a bunch of cougars shared the best ways sex changes after 40 and I have to be honest with you bros, this is rather enlightening, so read carefully and taken notes (via AskReddit):

That I can scream all I want because my kids are gone and living on their own

Well, there is generally no pregnancy without medical intervention, so you can just relax and not worry, which is really nice. Also your libido goes ballistic, which is also great. And you stop worrying about whether your ass looks fat at certain angles. Adults are just a whole lot less judgemental and more into simply really enjoying each other.

I’m 45 and I get hornier by the month. I am more turned on by a man’s kindness, humor, and intelligence. My brain has returned to my skull from my vagina.
The highest rate (most increasing rate?) of HPV is in the 65+. Yeah, men have Viagra now, but it also shows older women are super horny.

My body changed a bit for whatever reason and it actually feels better. While I still have yet to orgasm from penetration after almost 25 years of getting it on, there are times I come close. Of course with age I am less limber and have more aches and pains. Reverse cowgirl doesn’t go on for as long these days, lol.

Not yet in my 40s, but I can tell you sex is definitely better in my 30s than it was when I was in my late teens or 20s. Way less self-conscious about how I look, not afraid to ask for what I like, much more dominant which guys generally seem to really enjoy.

It’s way better. I know my body, I know what I like, I have no interest in pandering – mutual means mutual.

It is like our second honeymoon. Now we are irritated if the kids stop by when we had plans for sex.

not a woman but I just want to chime in here and say that in general sex with women over 40 tends to be much much better in my opinion. In my experience they know better what they want and are more willing to have fun with sex rather than being all stuffy about it. my girlfriend let’s me pin her down and ravage her while I wear spiderman glasses.

I’m 55. My SO is 58. Our kids are grown. We don’t have unexpected visitors (i.e. The kids) interrupting us. We don’t have pregnancy scares. We can be as noisy as we want. We’re more relaxed. We don’t dwell on a new wrinkle. We’re not self conscious about our bodies. We can enjoy each other!

When I was 24 there was a period of time where I had relations with a 48 year old woman. She was more active and more willing to do things than any 20-30 year old i’d been with. It continued for 2 or 3 months regularly was one of my best experiences. I’d say they do very well.

I feel like for me it has a lot to do with the level of comfort my husband and I have after all these years. We got to know each other over the course of the last 16 years, and we know what we like.
There’s none of the mental stuff that happened when I was young and single- like I know he’s not going to put his pants on and leave after we’re done and only call me when he’s horny. He’s not going to get freaked out because I’m “too wild” or “not kinky enough”. He’s not just in it for himself, and neither am I.
He’s going to mow the yard or make dinner- he’s going to stay here. So am I. We are going to contribute to both of our future happiness and the home we’ve built. We are going to be there for each other to lean on when shit is bad.
As for the actual sex- what’s good is we are not inhibited by any of that other stuff, and we will try anything that makes the other one feel good.
I suppose if I were single, I’d answer similarly in that I’m comfortable with who I am and what I want sexually, and I’m no longer shy about it. I used to be worried about what I looked like or that things I wanted to do would be perceived negatively by a partner, and was pretty inhibited with some partners. That faded in my late 20s, and by the time I was 30, I didn’t care any more. If seeing me do something I enjoyed was going to make a man judge me or not call me again- well, he wasn’t the man for me, so thank you and next please. Then I met this guy who liked everything I was doing and I felt that way about him too- and it stuck.

Just a side note; the median age for people to get into swinging is in their mid 40s.

I was in a relationship with a woman in her mid-40s and she was absolutely amazing. best everything i’ve ever experienced. she was incredibly beautiful, sexy, confident, knew what she wanted, was good at everything.

funny pictures


Alright, bros, there are plenty more of these stories over in the AskReddit thread and you can read through them all by clicking HERE, if you still want to keep going.

I wish I could offer up some personal insight into what sex with a 40+ cougar is like but unfortunately I’ve never tasted that forbidden fruit, not yet at least. If/when I get to that point in life I’ll be sure to check back and share the entire ordeal.

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from BroBible.com http://brobible.com/life/article/cougars-sharing-sex-advice-after-40