This floating garbage can collects trash from the water

Two Australian surfers found an innovative way to clean up the ocean: ocean garbage cans.

Aptly named Seabin, these garbage cans float around harbors and marinas vacuuming loose rubbish.

How do they work?

Seabins are connected to a floating dock, which have pumps that create a water flow that sucks in water, and with it surrounding debris. And don’t worry, in over four years of testing not one fish has been caught.

Currently, trash boats patrol harbors and marinas and scoop trash manually. However, these boats are expensive to run and maintain. The Seabin, on the other hand, is projected to cost only around $20 a month to run. 

Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski, the guys behind the Seabin, hope to keep our oceans clean by targeting harbors, where litter is often dumped. 

The project is currently on crowdfunding website Indiegogo, and has raised $117,000 out of its $250,000 goal, with 8 days left.

Story and editing by Carl Mueller

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