The following is a syndicated post originally found on Eric Kim’s blog. It has been published here with his permission. Syndication by Joy Celine Asto.
Dear friends,
I want to analyze some compositions I really like from Garry Winogrand; and share how we can better incorporate more edgy compositions into our own work:
1. Boy alone on the far left, evenly spaced boys on the far right, leaning over to him:
This is seriously one of the most epic composition photos I’ve seen:
Note the out of focus dogs in the foreground (pink):
Abstracted, to see all the shapes and forms:
2. Depth
Simple depth photo:
3. Dynamic directions
All the elements pointing or looking at different directions; adding a lot of dynamic pulling in the frame in different directions!
4. Car hood in foreground
Very simple yet effective: put something in the foreground (like the hood of a car) and fill the frame with it– to block out the distractions, to focus on the other stuff in the frame (like the man in cyan):
5. Taking a step back; showing context
From Winogrand’s “Public Relations” project– note the ‘behind the scenes’ context of these press events– to just show how manufactured/silly it is:
Learn more about Garry Winogrand:
Garry Winogrand Articles
Photos by Garry Winogrand
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