Month August 2019

The 8 Best Arduino Starter Kits For Beginners 2019

Arduino is the largest open-source hardware platform in the world that provides unlimited possibilities that can be achieved using microcontroller-based products. Therefore, Arduino starter kit is a perfect way to dive into electronics and programming as you get all the…

Hackers can ransomware your fancy digital camera

Not even your precious memories are safe from hackers.  That much was made clear at the annual DEF CON hacking conference in Las Vegas, where a security researcher demonstrated just how easy it is to remotely encrypt a digital camera…

The Other Tahiti: How to Find Extra Adventure

Run away from the beach to experience the real islands of Tahiti. Off the beach, here are three adventures in Tahiti. I claw my way through thickening jungle, following my guide who leads by hacking away with a machete. Vines,…

7 Unique Ways to Process Samples for a Better Mix

So you’ve found some samples to work with. Now what? Even if you’ve discovered the perfect sounds for your track, a little creative processing can be necessary to make them sit in your mix just right. But when traditional mixing…

How to Take Care of Your Calluses

When you start lifting weights, your body undergoes a lot of adaptations. Muscles get bigger, tendons get stronger, and fat tissues decrease.  Your skin also adapts to the stress of barbell training by forming rough, tough calluses on your hands…

The Russians are coming! The Russians are … complicated!

Did you know that Russia’s security services, particularly those related to hacking / information security, have been in the throes of vicious high-stakes infighting for years? Did you know that the perceived Russian doctrine which informed much Western analysis of…