Month December 2017

How to Clone Yourself – Step by Step Tutorial

You have probably seen photos on the internet where the same person appears in multiple spots in a single photo. At first sight, you might not have believed it, and later you must have gone berserk looking for ways that…

Secrets to a top-notch grilled cheese

Photo: Getty Images In How Do You Take Yours?, The Takeout solicits staff and outside expertise for secret tips on improving one dish. What Ghost did for pottery, Jon Favreau’s Chef did for grilled cheese sandwiches—both films used close-up framing…

Gene therapy gives ‘bubble babies’ immune systems

Initial results from a new gene therapy technique suggest it could open the doors to a cure for "bubble baby" disease. Lacking the ability to ward off even the most common infections, infants born with the genetic disorder — known…

Misunderstanding The Economics Of Robotics

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, Robots are only cost-effective in the narrow niches of commoditized tasks. In the view of Universal Basic Income (UBI) advocates, substituting robots for human labor will not only free virtually all humans…