Month December 2017

The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Being An Idiot

Authored by MN Gordon via, There are many things that could be said about the GOP tax bill.  But one thing is certain.  It has been a great show. Obviously, the time for real solutions to the debt problem…

How to Outsmart Your Gross Body and Live Forever

Illustration by Chelsea Beck/GMG Right after reinventing existing public services with private apps, hacking death may be the ultimate dream of SiliconValley’s elite. Death is truly the final boss for anyone who thinks enough money and lines of code can…

The Three Economic Eras Of Bitcoin

Authored by Randy Russell via, The way the bitcoin ecosystem will play out is written in the mathematics of its consensus rules; we should all know the three phases it will go through. First Era: Satoshi’s Free Offer (2009–2014)…