15 quotes that show the strange, relentless genius of billionaire Alibaba founder Jack Ma (BABA)

Jack Ma Alibaba

Jack Ma, founder and chairman of the Chinese internet behemoth Alibaba, built his empire through charisma and perseverance.

He founded Alibaba in 1995, and back in the mid-2000s, reporters used to call him "Crazy Jack" because of his animated speeches and bold claims. 

Today, his company has a market value of nearly $200 billion. Not bad for a man who failed his college entrance exams twice and started his career as a poor schoolteacher.

Here are some of the memorable gems he’s dropped over the years:


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On not giving up: "Today is cruel. Tomorrow is crueler. And the day after tomorrow is beautiful."


On people: "Hire the person best suited to the job, not the most talented. This can be a very painful lesson. There’s no point putting in a Boeing jet engine when you need to run a tractor."

Dongguan Network Operators Meeting, March 2005 via "Never Give Up"

On ethics: "Never deceive others, in business or in life. In 1995, I was deceived by four companies — four companies that are now closed. A company cannot go far by deceit."

Shanghai Network Operators Meeting, July 2005 via "Never Give Up"

See the rest of the story at Business Insider

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